Consignment Stock Partnership
Having both sold to businesses and run a gift shop for a while, I know how difficult retailing can be so I decided to try to make life as easy as possible for everyone by providing all of my artworks and jewellery on a unique Cleish Park Studio "Consignment Stock Partnership" basis. In other words, I supply you with everything you need to sell including:
Display Unit
All Boxed Stock
EAN/UPC Bar Coded
SKU Data
Location on our interactive Map
If you run any kind of retail store you normally buy your stock before you sell it. The consignment method gives you an alternative way to sell goods that doesn't require you to pay for stock in advance. As a retailer, having stock on a consignment basis means that:
You can hold and display much more stock because you don't own it
You only pay when you sell it so your cashflow is significantly better than paying for stock up front
So, to get more information on a Consignment Stock Partnership, please click the button below to email me and I'll be in touch.